- stick in someone's craw
It really sticks in my craw that he never even asked me.
Wikipedia foundation.
It really sticks in my craw that he never even asked me.
Wikipedia foundation.
craw — [krô] n. [ME craue < OE * craga, akin to MLowG krage, MDu kraghe, Ger kragen, collar, orig., neck < IE base * gwer , to swallow > L vorare, to devour] 1. the crop of a bird or insect 2. the stomach of any animal to stick in the craw or… … English World dictionary
craw — /krɔ / (say kraw) noun 1. the crop of a bird or insect. 2. the stomach of an animal. –phrase 3. stick in someone s craw, to irritate or annoy someone. {Middle English crawe, related to Dutch kraag neck} …
stick — stick1 [ stık ] (past tense and past participle stuck [ stʌk ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 attach something to something ▸ 2 put quickly & carelessly ▸ 3 push something long into something ▸ 4 become difficult to move ▸ 5 when name is accepted ▸ 6 in card… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stick — stick1 W3S3 [stık] v past tense and past participle stuck [stʌk] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(attach)¦ 2¦(push in)¦ 3¦(put)¦ 4¦(move part of body)¦ 5¦(difficult to move)¦ 6 stick in somebody s mind 7 make something stick 8¦(name)¦ 9 somebody c … Dictionary of contemporary English
stick in (your) craw — 1. if a situation or someone s behaviour sticks in your craw, it annoys you, usually because you think it is wrong. I do lots of jobs in the house but my brother says I m lazy, and that really sticks in my craw. 2. if someone sticks in your craw … New idioms dictionary
stick in your craw — phrase if something sticks in your craw, it is so unpleasant or morally wrong that you cannot accept it The idea of apologizing to him really sticks in my craw. Thesaurus: to make someone angry or annoyedsynonym Main entry: craw … Useful english dictionary
stick in your craw — If someone or something really annoys you, it is said to stick in your craw … The small dictionary of idiomes
stick — 1 /stIk/ verb past tense and past participle stuck 1 PUSH (transitive always + adv/prep, intransitive always + adv/prep) if a pointed object sticks into something or you stick it into something, it is pushed into it: stick sth in/into/through etc … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stick — stick1 noun 1》 a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree. ↘a stick used for support in walking or as a weapon. ↘(the sticks) informal goalposts or cricket stumps. ↘Nautical, archaic a mast or spar. 2》 (in hockey,… … English new terms dictionary
throat — n 1. gullet, gorge, esophagus, Archaic. weasand. 2. cut someone’s throat do [s.o.] wrong, Sl. do [s.o.] dirty, Sl. stab [s.o.] in the back; injure, hurt, harm. 3. jump down someone’s throat Slang. berate, tongue lash, yell at, Inf. dress down,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder