
a) A sport in which participants ride a form of wakeboard or surfboard harnessed to a large kite which is controlled by the rider.
b) A similar sport using a wheeled board on land.

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  • Kiteboarding — may refer to several sports that use a kite for propulsion while riding a board, including:* Kite Landboarding or Land Kiteboarding or Kite Groundboarding (KGB). * Kiteskating or Kiteskateboarding * Kitesurfing * Snowkiting or Snow Kiteboarding …   Wikipedia

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  • kiteboarding — kiteˈboarding or kiteˈsurfing noun The sport of being propelled over water by a large kite while standing upright on a specially designed surfboard (kiteˈboard) • • • Main Entry: ↑kite …   Useful english dictionary

  • Kitesurfing locations — Essentially any locale with consistent, steady side onshore winds (10 to 35+ knots, 5 to 18+ m/s), large open bodies of water and good launch areas are suitable for kitesurfing. Most kitesurfing takes place along ocean shores, usually off beaches …   Wikipedia

  • Kitesurfing — Kitesurfing, kiteboarding, uses wind power to pull a rider through the water on a small surfboard or a kiteboard (which is like a wakeboard). Generally kiteboarding refers to a style of riding known as free style or wakestyle where as kitesurfing …   Wikipedia

  • Power kite — A power kite or traction kite is a large kite designed to provide significant pull to the user. They come in three main forms: foils, leading edge inflatables and Supporting Leading Edge. There are also rigid framed kites and soft single skin… …   Wikipedia

  • Velocity Games — is an internationally recognized action sports event founded in Texas in 2003 and considered the most publicized windsports event in the nation, by The five day event is held annually on Memorial Day Weekend in Corpus Christi,… …   Wikipedia

  • Kitesurf — Kitesurfista. El kite surfing o kite surf (llamado también a veces kiteboarding, o flysurfing), es un deporte de deslizamiento que consiste en el uso de una cometa de tracción (kite, del inglés), que estira al deportista (kiter) por 4 (rara vez… …   Wikipedia Español

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