
a) A Middle Eastern food in the form of balls made from chickpeas and other ingredients. Often served in a pita.

Theres a stall at the market that sells fantastic falafel.

b) A pita with falafel balls inside.

The stallholder puts salad into an open pitta bread, followed by the four falafels and then liberally covers them with hummus.

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  • Falafel — ( ar. فلافل Audio|ArFalafel.ogg|falaafil; he. פלאפל; also known in Egypt and Sudan as ta meya, Arabic طعمية), is a fried ball or patty made from spiced fava beans and/or chickpeas. It is a popular form of fast food in the Middle East, where it is …   Wikipedia

  • Faláfel — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Archivo:Falafel.jpg Plato de falafel El faláfel o falafel (árabe: فلافل falāfil; hebreo: פלאפל faláfel) es una croqueta de garbanzos o habas cuyo origen se remonta a los tiempos de la Biblia y se originó en algún… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • falafel — ● falafel nom masculin Galette de pain non levé, fourrée de petits beignets de pois chiches et de légumes crus. (Spécialité du Moyen Orient.) falafel n. m. (Liban) Boulette de purée de fèves frite …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • falafel — [fə läf′əl] n. pl. falafel [Ar falāfil] 1. a small croquette or patty of ground chickpeas and other vegetables, seasoned with spices and deep fried in oil 2. a sandwich made by stuffing this into the pocket of a pita …   English World dictionary

  • falafel — by 1951 as a traveler s word, not common or domestic in English until 1970s; from Arabic falafil, said to mean crunchy …   Etymology dictionary

  • falafel — also felafel noun (plural falafel; also felafel) Etymology: Arabic falāfil Date: 1949 a spicy mixture of ground vegetables (as chick peas or fava beans) formed into balls or patties and then fried …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Falafel — Pour les nouilles ashkénazes, voir farfel. Assiette de falafels et légumes verts …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Falafel — El falafel (Árabe: فلافل; Hebreo: פלאפל) es una croqueta de garbanzos cuyo origen se remonta a los tiempos de la Biblia y se originó en algún lugar del subcontinente indio. Actualmente se come en India, Pakistan y Oriente Medio. Tradicionalmente… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Falafel — Fa|lạ|fel [auch: fa la:fl̩ ], die; , n, auch: das; s, s [arab. falāfel, zu: filfil = Pfeffer] (Kochkunst): pikant gewürztes, frittiertes Bällchen aus gemahlenen Kichererbsen u. Linsen. * * * Falafel   [arabisch] die , n, arabisches Gericht aus… …   Universal-Lexikon

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