- implicant
b) On a Karnaugh map: a set of 1s (whose quantity is a power of two) which are related by adjacency.
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Implicant — In Boolean logic, an implicant is a covering (sum term or product term) of one or more minterms in a sum of products (or maxterms in a product of sums) of a boolean function. Formally, a product term P in a sum of products is an implicant of the… … Wikipedia
implicant — ˈimplə̇kənt, lēk noun ( s) Etymology: Latin implicant , implicans, present participle of implicare : something that implies (as a proposition) … Useful english dictionary
implicant — im·pli·cant … English syllables
prime implicant — noun a) A group of related 1s (implicant) on a Karnaugh map which is not subsumed by any other implicant in the same map. b) A group of related 0s (implicant) on a Karnaugh map which is not subsumed by any other implicant (of 0s) in the same map … Wiktionary
essential prime implicant — noun A prime implicant on a Karnaugh map which covers at least one 1 which is not covered by any other prime implicant. Ant: non essential prime implicant … Wiktionary
non-essential prime implicant — noun On a Karnaugh map: a prime implicant which does not cover any 1 which cannot covered by some other prime implicant. Ant: essential prime implicant … Wiktionary
Quine–McCluskey algorithm — The Quine–McCluskey algorithm (or the method of prime implicants) is a method used for minimization of boolean functions which was developed by W.V. Quine and Edward J. McCluskey. It is functionally identical to Karnaugh mapping, but the tabular… … Wikipedia
Petrick's method — In Boolean algebra, Petrick s method (also known as the branch and bound method) is a technique for determining all minimum sum of products solutions from a prime implicant chart. Petrick s method is very tedious for large charts, but it is easy… … Wikipedia
Willard Van Orman Quine — Unreferenced|date=August 2007 Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophy era = 20th century philosophy color = #B0C4DE image caption = Willard Van Orman Quine name = Willard Van Orman Quine birth = birth date|mf=yes|1908|6|25 death = death… … Wikipedia
Entailment — For other uses, see Entail (disambiguation). In logic, entailment is a relation between a set of sentences (e.g.,[1] meaningfully declarative sentences or truthbearers) and a sentence. Let Γ be a set of one or more sentences; let S1 be the… … Wikipedia