- toeprint
a) The mark left by a human toe
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
toeprint — /ˈtoʊprɪnt/ (say tohprint) noun 1. an impression of the markings of the underneath surface of the last joint of a toe, especially as used for identification. 2. Computers a footprint of especially small size …
Fingerprint Ghost — is a locked room mystery short story by Joseph Commings, featuring his detective Brooks U. Banner.Plot summarySenator Brooks U. Banner is making a phone call out side the Sphynx club, when he hears angry yelling a few booths down. Magician Larry… … Wikipedia
Hou Chi — ▪ Chinese mythology Pinyin Hou Ji, in Chinese mythology, Lord of Millet Grains, who was worshiped for the abundant harvests that he graciously provided for his people. The Chinese honoured him not only for past favours but in the hope… … Universalium