
A collection of Jewish writings related to the practical application of Judaic law and tradition (may refer to either the Babylonian Talmud or the shorter Jerusalem Talmud).

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  • TALMUD — Pour le judaïsme, l’authentique interprétation de la Bible hébraïque a été déposée dans la Tora orale, qui constitue le complément et l’achèvement incontestable de la Tora écrite. Véritable «mystère» divin, elle n’a été confiée par le Verbe qu’à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Talmud — • A post Biblical substantive formation of Pi el ( to teach ), and originally signified doctrine or study Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Talmud     Talmud      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • talmud — TALMÚD, talmuduri, s.n. Carte religioasă la evrei, care conţine un comentariu şi o dezvoltare dogmatică a Vechiului testament sub raport religios, legislativ, literar şi istoric. – Din fr. Talmud. Trimis de laura tache, 10.11.2008. Sursa: DEX 98… …   Dicționar Român

  • TALMUD — (Heb. תַּלְמוּד). The word Talmud means primarily study or learning and is employed in various senses. One refers to the opinions and teachings which disciples acquire from their predecessors in order to expound and explain them (Seder Tanna im… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Talmud — Tal mud, n. [Chald. talm[=u]d instruction, doctrine, fr. lamad to learn, limmad to teach.] The body of the Jewish civil and canonical law not comprised in the Pentateuch. [1913 Webster] Note: The Talmud consists of two parts, the Mishna, or text …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Talmud — [täl′mood, tal′mood; tual′məd, tal′məd] n. [Talmud Heb talmud, lit., learning, instruction (akin to Aram talmuda) < root lmd: see MELAMED] the collection of writings constituting the Jewish civil and religious law: it consists of two parts,… …   English World dictionary

  • Talmud — (Thalmud, »Studium, Lehre, Belehrung«), die Hauptquelle des rabbinischen Judentums, das bändereiche Schriftdenkmal aus den ersten fünf Jahrhunderten n. Chr., das den gesamten religionsgesetzlichen Stoff der jüdischen Tradition, nicht systematisch …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Tàlmud — m jud. golemi zbornik židovske postbiblijske literature u kojem su na osnovi usmene predaje zapisane upute i propisi, tumačenja i blagoslovi koji se odnose na zemljoradnju, građansko i krivično zakonodavstvo, prehranu, održavanje čistoće,… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • Talmud — (n.) body of Jewish traditional ceremonial and civil law, 1530s, from late Heb. talmud instruction (c.130 C.E.), from lama d to teach. Related: Talmudic …   Etymology dictionary

  • Talmud — Tàlmud m DEFINICIJA jud. golemi zbornik židovske postbiblijske literature u kojem su na osnovi usmene predaje zapisane upute i propisi, tumačenja i blagoslovi koji se odnose na zemljoradnju, građansko i krivično zakonodavstvo, prehranu,… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Talmud — (Thalmud, hebr., d.i. Lehre, Lehrbuch), das Gesetzbuch der neuern Juden, eine Sammlung pharisäischer Satzungen u. Überlieferungen, bes. in Beziehung auf religiöses u. bürgerliches Recht, die aus Vorträgen jüdischer Gelehrten der hohen Schulen in… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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