- googlewhacker
One who searches for googlewhacks.
The ultimate goal of a Googlewhacker: seeing the words "Results 1-1 of 1" appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Wikipedia foundation.
The ultimate goal of a Googlewhacker: seeing the words "Results 1-1 of 1" appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Wikipedia foundation.
googlewhack — noun A Google™ search result consisting of a single hit, in response to a search on two words which were not enclosed in quotation marks. See Also: googlewhacker, googlewhacking … Wiktionary
fridge Googling — pp. Running an Internet search based on some or all of the contents of one s fridge, looking for a recipe based on those contents. fridge Google v. Example Citations: The newer term fridge googling has been coined to mean looking at the remnant… … New words