Dusky — Dusk y, a. 1. Partially dark or obscure; not luminous; dusk; as, a dusky valley. [1913 Webster] Through dusky lane and wrangling mart. Keble. [1913 Webster] 2. Tending to blackness in color; partially black; dark colored; not bright; as, a dusky… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dusky — [dus′kē] adj. duskier, duskiest 1. somewhat dark in color; esp., swarthy 2. lacking light; dim; shadowy 3. gloomy; melancholy SYN. DARK duskily adv. duskiness n. SYN. DUSKY suggests a darkness of color or … English World dictionary
dusky — index indistinct, nebulous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
dusky — 1550s, somewhat dark, from DUSK (Cf. dusk) + Y (Cf. y) (2) … Etymology dictionary
dusky — dim, *dark, obscure, murky, gloomy … New Dictionary of Synonyms
dusky — [adj] dark hued; murky adusk, bistered, bleak, brunette, caliginous, cheerless, cloudy, crepuscular, dark, dark complexioned, darkish, desolate, dim, dismal, dull, funereal, gloomy, joyless, lightless, obscure, overcast, sable, shadowy, shady,… … New thesaurus
dusky — ► ADJECTIVE (duskier, duskiest) ▪ darkish in colour. DERIVATIVES duskily adverb duskiness noun … English terms dictionary
dusky — [[t]dʌ̱ski[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Dusky means rather dark. [LITERARY] Heavy gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks... He was walking down the road one dusky Friday evening. 2) COMB in COLOUR A dusky colour is soft rather than bright.… … English dictionary
dusky — dusk|y [ˈdʌski] adj dark or not very bright in colour ▪ The room was filled with dusky shadows. dusky pink/orange/blue etc ▪ a dusky pink room … Dictionary of contemporary English
dusky — adjective dark or not very bright in colour: The room was filled with dusky shadows. | dusky pink/orange/blue etc: a dusky pink room … Longman dictionary of contemporary English