- remarkably
He performed the piece remarkably, offering novel interpretations to its nearly cliched passages.
That dog is remarkably fierce.
Wikipedia foundation.
He performed the piece remarkably, offering novel interpretations to its nearly cliched passages.
That dog is remarkably fierce.
Wikipedia foundation.
remarkably — index particularly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
remarkably — re|mark|a|bly [ rı markəbli ] adverb ** 1. ) in an unusual or surprising way: Maria speaks remarkably good English. All the students did remarkably well on their tests this year. 2. ) used for emphasizing how unusual or surprising something is:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
remarkably */*/ — UK [rɪˈmɑː(r)kəblɪ] / US [rɪˈmɑrkəblɪ] adverb 1) in a way that is unusual and surprises or impresses you Maria speaks remarkably good English. All the students did remarkably well in their exams this year. 2) used for emphasizing how unusual and… … English dictionary
remarkably — adverb Date: 1638 1. in a remarkable manner < remarkably talented > 2. as is remarkable < remarkably, no one was hurt > … New Collegiate Dictionary
remarkably — adv. Remarkably is used with these adjectives: ↑accurate, ↑alike, ↑beautiful, ↑calm, ↑candid, ↑cheap, ↑cheerful, ↑civil, ↑close, ↑coherent, ↑complacent, ↑c … Collocations dictionary
remarkably — re|mark|a|bly [rıˈma:kəbli US a:r ] adv in an amount or to a degree that is unusual or surprising = ↑surprisingly [+ adjective/adverb] ▪ She plays the violin remarkably well. [sentence adverb] ▪ Remarkably, all of the passengers survived the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
remarkably — adverb unusually; noticeably (+ adj/adv): She plays the violin remarkably well for a child of her age. (sentence adverb): Remarkably, all of the passengers survived the crash … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
remarkably — [rɪˈmɑːkəbli] adv in an unusual or surprising way All the students did remarkably well.[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
remarkably — remarkable ► ADJECTIVE ▪ extraordinary or striking. DERIVATIVES remarkably adverb … English terms dictionary
Remarkably — Remarkable Re*mark a*ble ( ? b l), a. [F. remarquable.] Worthy of being remarked or noticed; noticeable; conspicuous; hence, uncommon; extraordinary. [1913 Webster] T is remarkable, that they Talk most who have the least to say. Prior. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English