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multicomputer system — daugiakompiuterė sistema statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. multicomputer system vok. Mehrrechnersystem, n; Rechnerverbund, m rus. многокомпьютерная система, f pranc. système multiordinateur, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Multicomputer System — ⇡ Mehrrechnersystem … Lexikon der Economics
MOSIX — Multicomputer Operating System for UNIX (vergl. NQS) … Acronyms
Mehrrechnersystem — Multicomputer System; Computersystem, bei dem zwei oder mehr ⇡ Zentraleinheiten von einem ⇡ Programm gesteuert werden. Die Zentraleinheiten verfügen jeweils über mindestens einen ⇡ Prozessor allein. Vgl. auch ⇡ Mehrprozessorsystem … Lexikon der Economics
MOSIX — Multicomputer Operating System for UNIX (vergl. NQS) … Acronyms von A bis Z
MOSIX — is a distributed operating system.[1] Although early versions were based on older UNIX systems, since 1999 it focuses on Linux clusters and grids. In a MOSIX cluster/grid there is no need to modify or to link applications with any library, to… … Wikipedia
MOSIX — это система управления кластерами и сетями ОС на ядре Linux, представляющая их как одну систему (Single System Image, SSI), то есть эквивалент операционной системы для кластера в целом. В кластере MOSIX нет необходимости в модификации… … Википедия
Mercury Computer Systems — Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. NASDAQ: MRCY provides high performance embedded, real time digital signal and image processing solutions. Mercury designs and builds embedded multicomputers, which may be considered to be either loosely coupled … Wikipedia
Stephen Tweedie — Dr Stephen C. Tweedie Born Edinburgh, Scotland Dr. Stephen C. Tweedie is a software developer who is known for his work on the Linux kernel, in particular his work on filesystems.[1] After becoming involved with the development of the ext2… … Wikipedia
Lynx (programming language) — Lynx is a programming language for large distributed networks, using remote procedure calls. It was developed by the University of Wisconsin Madison in 1984 for the Charlotte multicomputer operating system. In 1986 at the University of Rochester… … Wikipedia