- lieutenant commander
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Wikipedia foundation.
Lieutenant Commander — (Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy)cite web | title = Uniforms and Badges of Rank | work = | publisher = U.K. Secretary of State for Defence | date = 2006 | url = http://www.royal navy.mod.uk/server/show/nav.3761 | format = Web | doi = |… … Wikipedia
Lieutenant commander — Lieutenant Lieu*ten ant (l[ u]*t[e^]n ant), n. [F., fr. lieu place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere. See {Lieu}, and {Tenant}, and cf. {Locum tenens}.] 1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his absence; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lieutenant commander — n. U.S. Navy an officer ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander … English World dictionary
lieutenant commander — noun a commissioned officer in the Navy ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander • Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine • Hypernyms: ↑commissioned naval officer * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
Lieutenant Commander — US Navy Kragen , Schulter und Ärmelabzeichen Lieutenant Commander (Abkürzung: LCdr (USN) oder LtCdr (RN)) ist ein militärischer Dienstgrad vieler Seestreitkräfte im englischen Sprachraum, so insbesondere in der US Navy (USN) und der Royal Navy… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lieutenant commander (United States) — In the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps, lieutenant commander (LCDR) is a junior officer rank … Wikipedia
Lieutenant-Commander (Canada) — In the Canadian Forces, the rank of lieutenant commander (French: capitaine de corvette or capc ) is a naval rank equal to a major of the army or air force. A lieutenant commander is senior to a lieutenant (N) or an army or air force captain, and … Wikipedia
lieutenant commander — noun Date: 1839 a commissioned officer in the navy or coast guard ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander … New Collegiate Dictionary
lieutenant commander — U.S. Navy. a commissioned officer ranking next below a commander and next above a lieutenant. [1830 40, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
lieutenant commander — noun a rank of officer in the navy, above lieutenant and below commander … English new terms dictionary