- confrontationist
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confrontationist — confrontationism, n. /kon freuhn tay sheuh nist, frun /, n. 1. a person who confronts opposition, esp. aggressively. adj. 2. characteristic of confrontation or confrontationists: confrontationist language. [1965 70; CONFRONTATION + IST] * * * … Universalium
confrontationist — /kɒnfrənˈteɪʃənəst/ (say konfruhn tayshuhnuhst) adjective 1. eliciting or proposing confrontation; not conciliatory: a confrontationist approach. –noun 2. a person having such an attitude. Also, confrontationalist …
confrontationist — confrontationism, n. /kon freuhn tay sheuh nist, frun /, n. 1. a person who confronts opposition, esp. aggressively. adj. 2. characteristic of confrontation or confrontationists: confrontationist language. [1965 70; CONFRONTATION + IST] * * *… … Useful english dictionary
confrontationist — noun or adjective see confrontation … New Collegiate Dictionary
confrontationist — con•fron•ta•tion•ist [[t]ˌkɒn frənˈteɪ ʃə nɪst, frʌn [/t]] n. 1) cvb a person who confronts opposition, esp. aggressively 2) cvb characteristic of confrontation or confrontationists • Etymology: 1965–70 con fron•ta′tion•ism, n … From formal English to slang
con|fron|ta|tion|al — KON fruhn TAY shuh nuhl», adjective. 1. of or having to do with confrontation; involving confrontation. 2. = confrontationist. (Cf. ↑confrontationist) … Useful english dictionary
confrontation — noun Date: 1632 the act of confronting ; the state of being confronted: as a. a face to face meeting b. the clashing of forces or ideas ; conflict c. comparison < the flashbacks bring into meaningful confrontation present and past, near and far R … New Collegiate Dictionary
Shivaji Park — is the largest park in Mumbai. It is situated in the Dadar area of Mumbai. Like the Azad Maidan and August Kranti Maidan (formerly Gowalia Tank Grounds), it is also of historical and cultural value because of the amount of political and social… … Wikipedia
Ahmed Deedat — Born Ahmed Hussein Deedat July 1, 1918(1918 07 01) Surat, Bombay Presidency, British India Di … Wikipedia
History of Laos since 1945 — Good luck charms of Prince Phetxarāt, who many Lao believe possessed magical powers, are widely sold in Laos today For Laotian history before 1945, see History of Laos to 1945. Note: this article follows the system for transliterating Lao names… … Wikipedia