
To make bold; to embolden.

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  • Bolden — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Buddy Bolden (1877–1931), US amerikanischer Kornettist Charles Frank Bolden (* 1946), US amerikanischer Astronaut Jamens Bolden (* 1952), US amerikanischer Popsänger, bekannt als David Christie (Sänger)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bolden —   [ bəʊldən], Buddy, eigentlich Charles Bolden, amerikanischer Jazzmusiker (Kornettist), * New Orleans um 1868 (nach anderen Angaben * 6. 9. 1877), ✝ Jackson (Louisiana) 4. 11. 1931; legendärer Bandleader des archaischen Jazz. Über seine… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Bolden — Bold en, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Boldened}. ] To make bold; to encourage; to embolden. [1913 Webster] Ready speakers, being boldened with their present abilities to say more, . . . use less help of diligence and study. Ascham. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bolden — This interesting name is of Anglo Saxon origin, and has two possible sources. It can either be topographical, describing a dweller by the top of a hill , from the Olde English pre 7th Century phrase, bufan dune , meaning above the hill ; or it… …   Surnames reference

  • Bolden Reush Harrison — Infobox Military Person name= Bolden Reush Harrison born= birth date|1886|4|26 died= death date and age|1952|1|26|1886|4|26 placeofbirth= Savannah, Tennessee placeofdeath= Savannah, Tennessee placeofburial= Savannah Cemetery caption= nickname=… …   Wikipedia

  • Bolden, Buddy — ▪ American musician byname of  Charles Joseph Bolden   born Sept. 6, 1877, New Orleans, La., U.S. died Nov. 4, 1931, Jackson, La.       cornetist and founding father of jazz. Many jazz musicians, including Jelly Roll Morton and the great… …   Universalium

  • Bolden — /bohl deuhn/, n. Charles ( Buddy ), 1868? 1931, U.S. cornet player: early pioneer in jazz. * * * …   Universalium

  • bolden — 1. (MSt) b. ruller igen: indledende bem. før superligaens første runde 2. (CWe) scoring i ishockey …   Sportsjournalistisk dansk ordbog

  • bolden — v. make courageous, give courage; become courageous …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bolden — bold·en …   English syllables

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