
The doctrine that every physical substance is the sum of its component matter and the form taken by that matter.

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  • Hylomorphism — This article is about the concept of hylomorphism in Aristotelian philosophy. For the concept in computer science, see Hylomorphism (computer science). Part of a series on …   Wikipedia

  • hylomorphism — hylomorphist, n. /huy leuh mawr fiz euhm/, n. Philos. the theory that every physical object is composed of two principles, an unchanging prime matter and a form deprived of actuality with every substantial change of the object. [1885 90; HYLO +… …   Universalium

  • Hylomorphism (computer science) — In computer science, and in particular functional programming, a hylomorphism is a recursive function, corresponding to the composition of an anamorphism (which first builds a set of results; also known as unfolding ) and a catamorphism (which… …   Wikipedia

  • hylomorphism — The doctrine that every thing is a combination of matter (materia prima ) and form. The doctrine was asserted by Aquinas, who possibly erroneously believed it to be Aristotelian, and was developed in increasingly subtle and confident ways in late …   Philosophy dictionary

  • hylomorphism — belief that matter is cause of the universe Philosophical Isms …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • hylomorphism — n. (Philosophy) theory that every physical object is made up of two principles which are matter (that is only potential) and form (that makes the object a reality) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • hylomorphism — [ˌhʌɪlə(ʊ) mɔ:fɪz(ə)m] noun Philosophy the doctrine that matter is the first cause of the universe and that physical objects result from the combination of matter and form. Derivatives hylomorphic adjective Origin C19: from hylo + Gk morphē form …   English new terms dictionary

  • hylomorphism — hy·lo·mor·phism …   English syllables

  • hylomorphism —  Гилеморфизм …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • hylomorphism —    This word (from the Greek hylē, meaning wood or matter, and morphē, meaning form ) refers to thescholastic teaching that explains reality in terms of matter and form …   Glossary of theological terms

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