- cardanol
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Cardanol — The name of the genus itself is based on the Greek word for heart . [cite book |author=Alexander Senning |title=Elsevier s Dictionary of Chemoetymology |p [ublisher=Elsevier |year=2006 |isbn=0444522395] Friction particles are made by polymerizing … Wikipedia
cardanol — car·da·nol … English syllables
cardanol — ˈkärdənˌȯl, ōl noun ( s) Etymology: card (from New Latin Anacardium, genus name of Anacardium occidentale) + an + ol : a nonvesicant oily liquid that is composed chiefly of monohydroxy phenols, obtained from cashew nutshell liquid or anacardic… … Useful english dictionary
Anacardic acid — Anacardic acids are chemical compounds found in the shell of the cashew nut ( Anacardium occidentale ). As they are closely related to urushiol, they also cause an allergic skin rash on contact, known as urushiol induced contact dermatitis.… … Wikipedia
Cashew — taxobox name = Cashew image caption = Cashews ready for harvest in Guinea Bissau regnum = Plantae unranked divisio = Angiosperms unranked classis = Eudicots unranked ordo = Rosids ordo = Sapindales familia = Anacardiaceae genus = Anacardium… … Wikipedia
Brasilianischer Pfefferbaum — (S. terebinthifolius) Systematik Rosiden Eurosiden II … Deutsch Wikipedia
Phenalkamine — Ein typisches Cardanol. Hieraus werden durch Einführung von Aminogruppen Phenalkamine hergestellt. Als Phenalkamine (Phenolalkanamine) bezeichnet man bestimmte teilsynthetische Härter für Epoxidharze, die selbst bei niedrigen Temperaturen (unter… … Deutsch Wikipedia
anacardic acid — |anə|kärdik noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary anacardic (from New Latin Anacardium + International Scientific Vocabulary ic) + acid; originally formed as German anakardsäure : a brown crystalline vesicant phenolic acid found a … Useful english dictionary