- enkephalin
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Wikipedia foundation.
enkephalin — [en kef′ə lin] n. an endorphin that occurs at nerve endings and may serve as a neurotransmitter … English World dictionary
Enkephalin — protein Name=proenkephalin caption= width= HGNCid=8831 Symbol=PENK AltSymbols= EntrezGene=5179 OMIM=131330 RefSeq=NM 006211 UniProt=P01210 PDB= ECnumber= Chromosome=8 Arm=q Band=23 LocusSupplementaryData= q24An enkephalin is a pentapeptide… … Wikipedia
Enkephalin — Preproenkephalin A Kalottenmodell von Met Enkephalin nach PDB … Deutsch Wikipedia
enkephalin — en·keph·a·lin in kef ə lən, (.)lin n either of two pentapeptides with opiate and analgesic activity that occur naturally in the brain and have a marked affinity for opiate receptors: a) LEUCINE ENKEPHALIN b) METHIONINE ENKEPHALIN compare… … Medical dictionary
enkephalin — /en kef euh lin/, n. Biochem. either of two pentapeptides that bind to morphine receptors in the central nervous system and have opioid properties of relatively short duration; one pentapeptide (Met enkephalin) has the amino acid sequence Tyr Gly … Universalium
Enkephalin — En|ke|pha|lin [griech. enképhalos = Gehirn], das; s, e; S: Encephalin: aus Hirnsubstanz isolierbare Pentapeptide, die durch Blockierung der Opiat Rezeptoren schmerzmindernd wirken (sog. Opioid Peptide). Das synthetisch zugängliche Met Enkephalin… … Universal-Lexikon
enkephalin — enkefalinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Peptidas, veikiantis galvos smegenų morfininius centrus. atitikmenys: angl. enkephalin rus. энкефалин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
enkephalin — noun Etymology: enkephal (alteration of encephal ) + in Date: 1975 either of two pentapeptides with opiate and analgesic activity that occur naturally especially in the brain and have a marked affinity for opiate receptors compare endorphin … New Collegiate Dictionary
Enkephalin — En|ke|pha|lin vgl. ↑Enzephalin … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
enkephalin — n. natural chemical having opiate characteristics that is secreted in the brain and spinal cord and acts as painkiller (Biochemistry) … English contemporary dictionary