- Xenophanean
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
xenophanean — xe·noph·a·ne·an … English syllables
xenophanean — zə̇|näfə|nēən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Xenophanes, 6th century B.C. Greek philosopher + English an : of or relating to the Eleatic philosopher Xenophanes or his doctrines noteworthy for their emphatic but perhaps… … Useful english dictionary
Xenophanes — Xenophanean, adj. /zeuh nof euh neez /, n. c570 c480 B.C., Greek philosopher and poet. * * * ▪ Greek poet and philosopher born c. 560 BC, Colophon, Ionia died c. 478 Greek poet and rhapsode, religious thinker, and reputed precursor of the… … Universalium
Ionians (The) — The Ionians Malcolm Schofield THALES AND OTHERS The Greeks agreed that philosophy had begun with Thales. However they did not know much about his views.1 What survives is mostly a potent legend. Herodotus tells stories of his practical ingenuity … History of philosophy