
a) The normal condition, in some animals and birds, of having fused digits.

Pranamya Menaria (India; born August 10, 2005) has 25 in total (12 fingers and 13 toes). This is as a result of the condition Polydactyly and Syndactyly.

b) The anomalous condition, in humans, of having some fingers or toes fused with a web.

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  • Syndactyly — Classification and external resources New born baby hand showing complete complex syndactyly of two fingers. ICD …   Wikipedia

  • Syndactyly — A condition in which two or more of the fingers or toes are joined together. This joining can involve the bones or just the skin between the digits. Joining of the bones is called bony syndactyly. Webbing of the skin between the fingers without… …   Medical dictionary

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  • Syndactyly, cutaneous — A condition in which fingers or toes are joined together, and the joining involves only the skin, not the bones. Cutaneous syndactyly is the opposite of bony syndactyly, in which the bones are of the digits are joined …   Medical dictionary

  • syndactyly — noun Etymology: New Latin syndactylia, from syn + Greek daktylos finger Date: 1864 a union of two or more digits that is normal in some animals (as various marsupials) and occurs as a human hereditary disorder marked by webbing of two or more… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • syndactyly — syn·dac·ty·ly (sĭn dăkʹtə lē) or syn·dac·tyl·ism ( tə lĭz əm) n. Biology 1. The condition of having two or more fused digits, as occurs normally in certain mammals and birds. 2. A congenital anomaly in humans characterized by two or more fused… …   Universalium

  • syndactyly — n. state of having webbed fingers or toes, state of having digits that are partially joined together (of certain mammals or birds) …   English contemporary dictionary

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