- mathematical semantics
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Mathematical logic — (also known as symbolic logic) is a subfield of mathematics with close connections to foundations of mathematics, theoretical computer science and philosophical logic.[1] The field includes both the mathematical study of logic and the… … Wikipedia
Semantics — is the study of meaning in communication. The word derives from Greek σημαντικός ( semantikos ), significant , [cite web|url=http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3D%2393797|title=Semantikos, Henry… … Wikipedia
Mathematical proof — In mathematics, a proof is a convincing demonstration (within the accepted standards of the field) that some mathematical statement is necessarily true.[1][2] Proofs are obtained from deductive reasoning, rather than from inductive or empirical… … Wikipedia
semantics — semanticist /si man teuh sist/, semantician /see man tish euhn/, n. /si man tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. Ling. a. the study of meaning. b. the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning and form. 2.… … Universalium
Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules — The Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) is an adopted standard of the Object Management Group (OMG) intended to be the basis for a formal and detailed natural language declarative description of a complex entity, such as a… … Wikipedia
Mathematical notation — For information on rendering mathematical formulas in Wikipedia, see Help:Formula. See also: Table of mathematical symbols Mathematical notation is a system of symbolic representations of mathematical objects and ideas. Mathematical notations are … Wikipedia
Mathematical diagram — This article is about general diagrams in mathematics. For diagrams in the category theoretical sense, see Diagram (category theory). Euclid s Elements, ms. from Lüneburg, A.D. 1200 Mathematical diagrams are diagrams in the field of mathematics,… … Wikipedia
semantics — Synonyms and related words: bowwow theory, comparative linguistics, derivation, descriptive linguistics, dialectology, dingdong theory, etymology, glossematics, glossography, glossology, glottochronology, glottology, grammar, graphemics,… … Moby Thesaurus
Denotational semantics — In computer science, denotational semantics (initially known as mathematical semantics or Scott–Strachey semantics) is an approach to formalizing the meanings of programming languages by constructing mathematical objects (called denotations)… … Wikipedia
Denotational semantics of the Actor model — The denotational semantics of the Actor model is the subject of denotational domain theory for Actors. The historical development of this subject is recounted in [Hewitt 2008b]. Contents 1 Actor fixed point semantics 2 Compositionality in… … Wikipedia