- phyllotaxis
- noun /fɪləˈtæksɪs/
Yet his Lordship would find this rate of proportion likewise in all plants, in the disposition of their leaves, for which ordering he would make a name, that is, from the Greek, phyllotaxis.
Wikipedia foundation.
Yet his Lordship would find this rate of proportion likewise in all plants, in the disposition of their leaves, for which ordering he would make a name, that is, from the Greek, phyllotaxis.
Wikipedia foundation.
phyllotaxis — [fil΄ətak΄sēfil΄ə tak′sis] n. [ModL phyllotaxis: see PHYLLO & TAXIS] Bot. 1. the arrangement of leaves on a stem 2. the study or principles of such arrangement: Also phyllotaxy [fil΄ətak΄sē] phyllotactic [fil΄ətak′tik] adj … English World dictionary
Phyllotáxis — (griech.), soviel wie Blattstellung … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Phyllotáxis — (grch.), die Blattstellung (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Phyllotaxis — Crisscrossing spirals found in nature In botany, phyllotaxis or phyllotaxy is the arrangement of leaves on a plant stem (from Ancient Greek phýllon leaf and táxis arrangement ).[1] … Wikipedia
Phyllotaxis — Die Blätter der Sonnenblume sind wechselständig angeordnet … Deutsch Wikipedia
phyllotaxis — also phyllotaxy noun Etymology: New Latin phyllotaxis, from phyll + taxis Date: 1857 1. the arrangement of leaves on a stem and in relation to one another 2. the study of phyllotaxis and of the laws that govern it … New Collegiate Dictionary
Phyllotaxis — Phyllotaxy Phyl lo*tax y, Phyllotaxis Phyl lo*tax is, n. [Phyllo + Gr. ta xis order.] (Bot.) The order or arrangement of leaves on the stem; the science of the relative position of leaves. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
phyllotaxis — /fil euh tak sis/, n., pl. phyllotaxes / tak seez/. Bot. phyllotaxy. [1870 75; PHYLLO + TAXIS] * * * … Universalium
Phyllotaxis — Phyl|lo|tạ|xis 〈f.; , tạ|xen; Bot.〉 Stellung der Blätter von Pflanzen [<grch. phyllon „Blatt“ + taxis „Anordnung“] * * * Phyl|lo|tạ|xis, die; , …xen [zu griech. táxis = Ordnung] (Bot.): Blattstellung. * * * Phyl|lo|tạ|xis, die; , ...xen… … Universal-Lexikon
Phyllotaxis — Phyl|lo|tạ|xis 〈f.; Gen.: , Pl.: tạ|xen; Bot.〉 Stellung der Blätter von Pflanzen … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch