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Ringtail — Ringtail, Ring tail, Ringtailed or Ring tailed may refer to:Mammals* Ring tailed Cat, Bassariscus astutus * Ring tailed Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus annulatus * Ring tailed Lemur, Lemur catta * Ring tailed Mongoose, Galidia elegans * Ringtail… … Wikipedia
Ringtail — Ring tail , n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A bird having a distinct band of color across the tail, as the hen harrier. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) A light sail set abaft and beyong the leech of a boom and gaff sail; called also {ringsail}. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ringtail — (engl., spr. rĭng tēl, »Ringschweif«), leichtes, angenehmes Futterpelzwerk von verschiedenen kleinen australischen Beuteltieren … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
ringtail — [riŋ′tāl΄] n. a ring tailed animal, as a cacomistle or raccoon … English World dictionary
ringtail — noun Date: 1844 1. raccoon 2. a carnivore (Bassariscus astutus) of the western United States and Mexico that is related to and resembles the raccoon called also cacomistle, civet cat, ringtail cat, ringtailed cat 3. capuchin 3 … New Collegiate Dictionary
ringtail — /ˈrɪŋteɪl/ (say ringtayl) noun 1. → ringtail possum. 2. Nautical a small sail, an extension to the spanker, set abaft it on an extended spanker boom. 3. Colloquial a coward. {ring1 + tail1} …
ringtail — Pietų Amerikos basariskas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Bassariscus astutus angl. cacomistle; North American cacomistle; ringtail; ring tailed cat vok. nordamerikanisches Katzenfrett rus.… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Ringtail boom — Ringtail Ring tail , n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A bird having a distinct band of color across the tail, as the hen harrier. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) A light sail set abaft and beyong the leech of a boom and gaff sail; called also {ringsail}. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ringtail Creek, Queensland — Infobox Australian Place | type = suburb name = Ringtail Creek state = qld city = Sunshine Coast caption = pop = poprank = density = postcode = 4565 est = area = timezone = utc = timezone dst = utc dst = lga = Noosa stategov = Noosa fedgov =… … Wikipedia
ringtail cat — noun see ringtail … New Collegiate Dictionary
ringtail monkey — noun see ringtail 4 * * * capuchin (defs. 1, 2) … Useful english dictionary