- keep one's eyes peeled
To be on the alert, to be watchful.Syn: keep an eye out, keep ones eyes open
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
keep\ one's\ eyes\ peeled — • keep one s eyes peeled • keep one s eyes skinned v. phr. informal To watch carefully; be always looking. The bird watcher kept his eyes peeled for bluebirds. When the boys walked through the roads, they kept their eyes skinned for snakes.… … Словарь американских идиом
keep one's eyes peeled — idi inf keep one s eyes peeled, to watch closely or carefully; be alert … From formal English to slang
keep one's eyes peeled — keep your eyes peeled for a light blue Pontiac Syn: keep a (sharp) lookout, look out, keep one s eyes open, keep watch, be watchful, be alert, be on the alert, be on the qui vive, be on guard … Thesaurus of popular words
keep one's eyes peeled — ► keep one s eyes open (or peeled or Brit. skinned) watch out for something. Main Entry: ↑eye … English terms dictionary
keep one's eyes peeled — verb pay attention; be watchful Keep your eyes peeled for any policemen • Syn: ↑keep one s eyes skinned, ↑keep one s eyes open • Usage Domain: ↑colloquialism • Hypernyms: ↑watch, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
keep one's eyes peeled — or[keep one s eyes skinned] {v. phr.}, {informal} To watch carefully; be always looking. * /The bird watcher kept his eyes peeled for bluebirds./ * /When the boys walked through the roads, they kept their eyes skinned for snakes./ Compare: EYES… … Dictionary of American idioms
keep one's eyes peeled — or[keep one s eyes skinned] {v. phr.}, {informal} To watch carefully; be always looking. * /The bird watcher kept his eyes peeled for bluebirds./ * /When the boys walked through the roads, they kept their eyes skinned for snakes./ Compare: EYES… … Dictionary of American idioms
keep one's eyes peeled — phrasal see keep one s eyes open … New Collegiate Dictionary
keep one's eyes peeled/skinned — ► keep one s eyes open (or peeled or Brit. skinned) watch out for something. Main Entry: ↑eye … English terms dictionary
keep one's eyes peeled — be on guard, stand guard, keep watch … English contemporary dictionary