- cadherin
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Cadherin — 1; E cadherin Größe 108 aa; 12,1 kDa Struktur Homodimer Bezeichner … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cadherin — Cadherins are a class of type 1 transmembrane proteins. They play important roles in cell adhesion, ensuring that cells within tissues are bound together. They are dependent on calcium (Ca2+) ions to function, hence their name.The cadherin… … Wikipedia
cadherin — One of a class of integral membrane glycoproteins that has a role in cell cell adhesion and is important in morphogenesis and differentiation; E c. is also known as uvomorulin and is concentrated in the belt desmosome in epithelial cells; N c. is … Medical dictionary
VE-cadherin — Cadherin 5, type 2 or VE cadherin (vascular epithelium) also known as CD144 (Cluster of Differentiation 144), is a type of cadherin. It is encoded by the human gene CDH5. PBB Summary section title = summary text = It is a classical cadherin from… … Wikipedia
T-cadherin — also known as cadherin 13, H cadherin (heart) (CDH13) is a unique member of cadherin superfamily because it lacks the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains and is anchored to the cells membrane through the GPI anchor. Classical cadherins are… … Wikipedia
N-cadherin — See cadherins … Dictionary of molecular biology
N-cadherin — noun a protein found in vertebrates such as humans, mice and chickens … Wiktionary
E-cadherin — SYN: uvomorulin … Medical dictionary
Cadherine — Cadherin 1; E cadherin Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 728 aa … Deutsch Wikipedia
CDH2 — Cadherin 2, type 1, N cadherin (neuronal) PDB rendering based on 1ncg … Wikipedia