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scablike — scabˈlike adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑scab … Useful english dictionary
scab — scablike, adj. /skab/, n., v., scabbed, scabbing. n. 1. the incrustation that forms over a sore or wound during healing. 2. Vet. Pathol. a mangy disease in animals, esp. sheep; scabies. Cf. itch (def. 10). 3. Plant Pathol. a. a disease of plants… … Universalium
scab — n. & v. n. 1 a dry rough crust formed over a cut, sore, etc. in healing. 2 (often attrib.) colloq. derog. a person who refuses to strike or join a trade union, or who tries to break a strike by working; a blackleg. 3 the mange or a similar skin… … Useful english dictionary
Seborrheic keratosis — A benign skin lesion resulting from excessive growth of the top layer of skin cells. It usually is found in persons over 30 years old and may be few or numerous. Although seborrheic keratoses may be confused with warts, they are quite different.… … Medical dictionary
scab — [skab] n. [ME scabbe < ON skabb, akin to OE sceabb < IE base * (s)kep , to cut, split > L scabies, SCABIES, scabere, to SHAVE] 1. a crust that forms over a sore or wound during healing 2. a mangy skin disease, as scabies, of animals, esp … English World dictionary
apple scab — noun : a widespread destructive disease caused by a fungus (Venturia inaequalis) producing dark or sooty blotches on the leaves and blackish scurfy or scablike lesions on the fruit and sometimes on the young twigs * * * apple scab, a fungous… … Useful english dictionary
citrus scab — noun : a disease of citrus plants caused by an imperfect fungus (Elsinoë fawcettii) producing scablike or warty lesions on trees, leaves, and fruits … Useful english dictionary