- Sinophile
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Wikipedia foundation.
sinophile — [sinɔfil] adj. et n. ÉTYM. 1842, Balzac; de sino , et phile. ❖ ♦ Didact. Qui aime, apprécie la Chine. N. || Un, une sinophile. || Sentiments amicaux des sinophiles ou sinophilie [sinɔfili] n. f. ❖ … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sinophile — Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, a 17th 18th century German polymath who made significant contributions in many areas of physics, logic, history, librarianship, and studied numerous aspects of Chinese culture A Sinophile (from sino meaning Chinese… … Wikipedia
Sinophile — /suy neuh fuyl , sin euh /, n. 1. a person who admires or has a strong liking for China, the Chinese, or their culture. adj. 2. friendly to or having a strong liking for China or the Chinese. Also, Sinophil /suy neuh fil, sin euh /. [1895 1900;… … Universalium
sinophile — noun Someone that enjoys Chinese culture, language, or history … Wiktionary
Sinophile — one who admires China or the Chinese Love and Attraction … Phrontistery dictionary
sinophile — sino·phile … English syllables
sinophile — … Useful english dictionary
George Sapounidis — Yiorgos Sapounides better known as George Sapounides is a Greek Canadian musician / troubadour, statistician and a Sinophile living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He was also subject of 2005 Canadian documentary film entitled Chairman George. The… … Wikipedia
sin- — sin(o) ♦ Élément, du lat. médiév. Sinae (nom grec d une ville d Extrême Orient), signifiant « de la Chine ». ⇒SIN(O) , (SIN , SINO ), élém. formant I. Élém. tiré du lat. tardif Sinae, nom d un peuple d Extrême Orient, transcr. du gr. (Ptolémée,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
sino- — sin(o) ♦ Élément, du lat. médiév. Sinae (nom grec d une ville d Extrême Orient), signifiant « de la Chine ». ⇒SIN(O) , (SIN , SINO ), élém. formant I. Élém. tiré du lat. tardif Sinae, nom d un peuple d Extrême Orient, transcr. du gr. (Ptolémée,… … Encyclopédie Universelle