- ransomware
The amount of money generated by ransomware schemes would appear to be quite small given their lack of popularity and the asking price in ransom notes...
Wikipedia foundation.
The amount of money generated by ransomware schemes would appear to be quite small given their lack of popularity and the asking price in ransom notes...
Wikipedia foundation.
Ransomware — sind Computerprogramme, mit deren Hilfe ein Eindringling private Daten auf einem fremden Computer verschlüsseln kann, um für die Entschlüsselung ein „Lösegeld“ zu fordern. Ihre Bezeichnung setzt sich aus der Zugehörigkeit zu der Klasse der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ransomware — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ransomware es un malware generalmente distribuido mediante spam y que mediante distintas técnicas imposibilita al dueño de un documento acceder al mismo. El modo más comúnmente utilizado es cifrar con clave dicho… … Wikipedia Español
Ransomware — (от английского ransom выкуп и software программное обеспечение) это вредоносное программное обеспечение, которое работает как вымогатель. Содержание 1 Типы программ вымогателей 1.1 Шифрование файлов в системе … Википедия
Ransomware — may mean: * Software offered as open source in exchange for payment, see Street Performer Protocol *Ransomware (malware), malware used for an extortion crime … Wikipedia
Ransomware — Un ransomware, ou rançongiciel est un logiciel malveillant qui prend en otage des données personnelles. Pour ce faire, un rançongiciel chiffre des données personnelles puis demande à leur propriétaire d envoyer de l argent en échange de la clé… … Wikipédia en Français
ransomware — n. Malicious software that encrypts a person s computer files and demands a ransom to decrypt the files. Example Citations: A new trojan that holds computer files hostage and then then demands a $US300 ($410) ransom for their safe return has been … New words
Ransomware (malware) — For other uses, see Ransomware (disambiguation). Ransomware is computer malware which holds a computer system, or the data it contains, hostage against its user by demanding a ransom for its restoration. Operation Ransomware typically propagates… … Wikipedia
ransomware — /ˈrænsəmwɛə/ (say ransuhmwair) noun a form of malware which encrypts certain files in the victim s computer, the victim then being required to pay money to an extortionist to have the files decrypted …
Malware — El malware suele ser representado con símbolos de peligro. Malware (del inglés malicious software), también llamado badware, código maligno, software malicioso o software malintencionado es un tipo de software que tiene como objetivo infiltrarse… … Wikipedia Español
Antivirus software — Antivirus redirects here. For antiviral medication, see Antiviral drug. Antivirus or anti virus software is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including but not limited to computer viruses, computer worm, trojan horses, spyware and… … Wikipedia