- homologue
b) A word shared by two languages or dialects.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
homologue — [ ɔmɔlɔg ] adj. • 1585; gr. homologos, de logos « discours » 1 ♦ Math. Se dit de deux éléments ou de deux ensembles dont l un est l image de l autre par une transformation (le plus souvent géométrique). Côtés homologues de deux triangles… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Homologue — Hom o*logue, n. [Cf. F. homologue. See {Homologous}.] That which is homologous to something else; as, the corresponding sides, etc., of similar polygons are the homologues of each other; the members or terms of an homologous series in chemistry… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
homologue — index counterpart (complement) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
homologué — homologué, ée (o mo lo ghé, ghée) part. passé d homologuer. Qui a reçu l homologation. • La séparation [de M. et de Mme de Brissac] se fit entre les mains de M. le Prince, homologuée au parlement, SAINT SIMON 10, 116 … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
homologué — Homologué, [homologu]ée. part … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
homologue — or homolog [häm′ə lôg′, hō′məlôg′] n. [Fr < Gr homologos] a homologous part, thing, organ, etc … English World dictionary
homologue — /hoh meuh lawg , log , hom euh /, n. 1. something homologous. 2. Chem. any member of a homologous series of organic compounds: Ethane is a homologue of the alkane series. Also, homolog. [1840 50; < F < Gk homólogon, neut. of homólogos HOMOLOGOUS] … Universalium
homologue — ho•mo•logue or ho•mo•log [[t]ˈhoʊ məˌlɔg, ˌlɒg, ˈhɒm ə [/t]] n. 1) something homologous 2) chem. any member of a homologous series of organic compounds: Ethane is a homologue of the alkane series[/ex] • Etymology: 1840–50; < F < Gk… … From formal English to slang
homologue — homologas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Homologinės eilės narys. atitikmenys: angl. homolog; homologue rus. гомолог … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
homologue nucléaire — galintis naudoti branduolinį ginklą statusas T sritis Gynyba atitikmenys: angl. nuclear certified pranc. homologue nucléaire ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – patvirtinta branduolinio ginklo naudojimo priemonė dar žiūrėk – patvirtintas branduolinio ginklo… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
homologue — or homolog noun Date: 1848 something (as a chemical compound or a chromosome) homologous … New Collegiate Dictionary