- aspergillosis
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Aspergillosis — Classification and external resources Histopathologic image of pulmonary invasive aspergillosis in a patient with interstitial pneumonia. Autopsy material. Grocott s methenamine silver stain … Wikipedia
aspergillosis — [as΄pər ji lō′sis] n. pl. aspergilloses [as΄pər ji lō′sēz΄] an infection caused by a fungus (genus Aspergillus), characterized by small, inflamed lesions of the skin, respiratory tract, bones, etc … English World dictionary
Aspergillosis — Infection with the fungus Aspergillus, seen especially in people with a deficient immune system. The clinical features of aspergillosis can include invasive lung infection and disseminated disease, usually with fever, cough, spitting up blood,… … Medical dictionary
aspergillosis — /as peuhr jeuh loh sis/, n., pl. aspergilloses / seez/. an infection or disease caused by a mold of the genus Aspergillus, characterized by granulomatous lesions of the lungs, skin, etc. [1895 1900; < F aspergillose; see ASPERGILLUS, OSIS] * * *… … Universalium
aspergillosis — n. a group of conditions caused by fungi of the genus Aspergillus, usually Aspergillus fumigatus. These conditions nearly always arise in patients with pre existing lung disease and fall into three categories. The allergic form most commonly… … The new mediacal dictionary
aspergillosis — noun (plural aspergilloses) Date: 1898 infection with or disease caused (as in poultry) by aspergillus molds … New Collegiate Dictionary
aspergillosis — (as per jil o sis) A fungal disease caused by species of Aspergillus … Dictionary of microbiology
aspergillosis — Lung disease caused by fungi of the genus Aspergillus … Dictionary of molecular biology
aspergillosis — n. animal disease caused by a mold fungus from the Aspergillus family … English contemporary dictionary
aspergillosis — [ˌaspədʒɪ ləʊsɪs] noun Medicine a condition in which certain fungi infect the lungs or other tissues, especially through inhalation of spores from mouldy hay. Origin C19: from mod. L. Aspergillus (genus name of the fungi), from aspergillum + osis … English new terms dictionary