
a) of or related to Ionians
b) of an order of classical Greek architecture; the Ionic order
2. noun
A sub-dialect of the Attic-Ionic dialectal group of Ancient Greek consisting of Old Ionic and New Ionic.
See Also: Doric, Doric order

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  • Ionic — or Ionian may refer to:In science: * Ion, in physics and chemistry, an atom or group of atoms with a net electric charge ** Ionic bond, a type of chemical bond involving ions ** Ionic compound, a chemical compound in which ions are held together… …   Wikipedia

  • Ionic — I*on ic, a. [L. Ionicus, Gr. ?, fr. ? Ionia.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch.) Pertaining to the Ionic order of architecture, one of the three orders invented by the Greeks, and one of the five …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ionic — I*on ic, n. 1. (Pros.) (a) A foot consisting of four syllables: either two long and two short, that is, a spondee and a pyrrhic, in which case it is called the {greater Ionic}; or two short and two long, that is, a pyrrhic and a spondee, in which …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ionic — [ī än′ik] adj. [L Ionicus < Gr Iōnikos] 1. of Ionia or its people or culture; Ionian 2. of Ionic (the language variety) 3. designating or of a classical (Greek or Roman) order of architecture, distinguished by ornamental scrolls (spiral… …   English World dictionary

  • ionic — i*on ic a. (Chem.) Of or pertaining to ions; composed of ions, containing ions, or breaking down into ions when dissolved in a polar solvent; as, an ionic solution will conduct a current of electricity. Opposite of {nonionic}. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ionic — pertaining to Ionia, 1570s of music; 1580s of architecture, from L. Ionicus, from Gk. Ionikos (see IONIAN (Cf. Ionian)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • ionic — pertaining to ions, 1890, from ION (Cf. ion) + IC (Cf. ic) …   Etymology dictionary

  • ionic — [ī än′ik] adj. of, or being in the form of, an ion or ions …   English World dictionary

  • ionic — IÓNIC1, Ă, ionici, ce, adj., s.n., s.m. 1. adj., s.n. (Stil, ordin etc. arhitectonic) caracterizat prin coloane zvelte cu capitelul împodobit cu volute. 2. adj. (Despre construcţii sau elemente arhitectonice) Care ţine de ionic1 (1), care se… …   Dicționar Român

  • Ionic — /uy on ik/, adj. 1. Archit. noting or pertaining to one of the five classical orders that in ancient Greece consisted of a fluted column with a molded base and a capital composed of four volutes, usually parallel to the architrave with a pulvinus …   Universalium

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