
the name given by the media to the perpetrator of mail bomb attacks in America between 1978 and 1994

Based on the Unabombers manifesto, the smash movie of twenty thirty-four will be Barbarians in<!stressed in audio the Gates, the autobiographical return-to-nature philosophy of Bill Gates, Jr. Starring Oscar-winner, actor Cody Gifford.

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  • Unabomber — Theodore Kaczynski 1996 Theodore („Ted“) John Kaczynski (* 22. Mai 1942 in Chicago) ist ein US amerikanischer Mathematiker und Bombenleger. Im Zeitraum von 1978 bis 1995 soll er 16 Briefbomben an verschiedene Personen in den USA verschickt haben …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Unabomber — Theodore Kaczynski Kaczynski entouré de policiers. Theodore Kaczynski, surnommé Unabomber (né le 22 mai 1942 à Evergreen Park dans l Illinois), est un mathématicien et terroriste américain. Il a fait l objet de la chasse à l homme la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Unabomber — Теодор Качинский Теодор Джон Качинский (родился 22 мая, 1942) также известный, как Унабомбер, американский математик, нео луддит и социальный критик, отправлял бомбы по почте. Он родился в Чикаго, Иллинойсе, выделился в среде академиков в раннем… …   Википедия

  • Unabomber — the name used especially by the press and the police to refer to a person in the US who for 17 years (1978–95) sent bombs to people in universities and airline companies who he thought supported modern technology. The bombs killed three people… …   Universalium

  • Unabomber for President — was a political campaign with the overt aim of electing The Unabomber as a write in candidate in the United States presidential election, 1996.cite journal url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D02E6DF1631F934A15751C1A961958260 sec …   Wikipedia

  • Unabomber (disambiguation) — Unabomber may be:People: * Theodore Kaczynski (born 1942), American mail bomber (university and airline bomber) * Phil Laak (born 1972), Irish poker player * Italian Unabomber ( fl. 1990s), unidentified Italian bomber * Glen Jacobs (born 1967),… …   Wikipedia

  • Unabomber (Italien) — Der italienische Unabomber (italienisch: Unabomber italiano) ist ein von den internationalen Medien geprägter Begriff für einen bis heute unidentifizierten Terroristen, der für mehrere Sprengstoffanschläge in Norditalien verantwortlich gemacht… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Unabomber (album) — Infobox Album | Name = Unabomber Type = studio Artist = Macabre Released = 1999 Recorded = Genre = Death metal Length = 17:01 Label = Decomposed Records Producer = Reviews = Last album = Sinister Slaughter (1993) This album = Unabomber (1995)… …   Wikipedia

  • Unabomber — ● np. ►SOC Surnom d un Serial Killer activement recherché par le FBI, et s attaquant depuis 1978 aux universités, aux compagnies aériennes et aux utilisateurs de l Internet. Il a eu le temps de faire onze victime, la dernière à ma connaissance en …   Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone

  • Unabomber — U|na|bomb|er the name given in newspapers to a man who, over a period of 18 years, sent 16 bombs through the mail to US universities and other organizations, in order to protest against ↑technology. In 1996 the FBI arrested Theodore Kaczynski, a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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