
a) permanently attached to a substrate; not free to move about; “an attached oyster”

The sporophyte foot is also characteristic: it is very broad and more or less lenticular or disciform, as broad or broader than the calyptra stalk, and is sessile on the calyptra base

b) attached directly by the base; not having an intervening stalk.

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  • sessile — [ sesil ] adj. • 1611; lat. sessilis ♦ Organe sessile, attaché directement, dépourvu de tige, pédoncule ou pétiole. Bot. Les feuilles sessiles de l œillet. Méd. Tumeur sessile, sans pédicule. ⊗ CONTR. Pédonculé. ● sessile adjectif (latin sessilis …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Sessile — is a term in biology with two distinct meanings: In botany and medicine In botany, sessile means without a stalk , as in flowers (pedicel) or leaves (petiole) that grow directly from the stem or peduncle; however, in limnology, sessile vegetation …   Wikipedia

  • Sessile — Ses sile, a. [L. sessilis low, dwarf, from sedere, sessum, to sit: cf. F. sessile.] 1. Attached without any sensible projecting support. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Resting directly upon the main stem or branch, without a petiole or footstalk; as, a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sessile — 1725, adhering close to the surface, from L. sessilis pertaining to sitting, from sessum, pp. of sedere to sit (see SEDENTARY (Cf. sedentary)). Meaning sedentary first recorded 1860 …   Etymology dictionary

  • sessile — [ses′il, ses′īl΄] adj. [L sessilis < sessus, pp. of sedere, to SIT] 1. Biol. a) attached directly by its base b) permanently fixed; immobile 2. Bot. having no pedicel or peduncle; attached directly to the main stem, as the flower and leaves of …   English World dictionary

  • sessile — adjective Etymology: Latin sessilis of or fit for sitting, low, dwarf (of plants), from sessus, past participle of sedēre Date: circa 1753 1. attached directly by the base ; not raised upon a stalk or peduncle < a sessile leaf > < sessile bubbles …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Sessile — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Des animaux marins sessiles : ici, une éponge (Clathrina Clathrus). L adjectif « sessi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sessile — Having a broad base of attachment; not pedunculated. [L. sessilis, low growing, fr. sedeo, pp. sessus, to sit] * * * ses·sile ses īl, əl adj 1) attached directly by a broad base: not pedunculated <a sessile tumor> 2) firmly attached (as to… …   Medical dictionary

  • sessile — (sè ssi l ) adj. 1°   Terme de botanique. Il se dit d une partie quelconque qui n a pas de support particulier, qui repose immédiatement sur une autre. Fleurs sessiles. Feuilles sessiles.    Laitues sessiles, celles qui ne s élèvent pas. 2°   En… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • sessile — sès·si·le agg., s.m. 1. agg. TS bot. di organo vegetale, che si inserisce direttamente in un altro organo o in un ramo, senza il sostegno di un peduncolo o di un picciolo: fiore, foglia sessile Contrari: 2peduncolato. 2. agg. TS zool. di organo,… …   Dizionario italiano

  • SESSILE — adj. des deux genres T. de Botan. Il se dit Des parties qui sont immédiatement fixées et comme assises sur celles d où elles naissent, qui ne sont point portées par un pédicule, par un pétiole, etc. Feuilles sessiles. Fleurs sessiles. Anthères… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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