
adjective /ˈpju.laɪl/
Characteristic of, or pertaining to, a girl or girls; compare: puerile.

One weak and puerile (or puellile; or anile) article does a journal more harm than two good articles can neutralize.

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  • puerile — adjective /ˈpjʊə.raɪl,ˈpjʊrɪl,ˈpjʊraɪl/ a) Characteristic of, or pertaining to, a boy or boys; confer: puellile. The French have been notorious through generations for their puerile affectation of Roman forms, models, and historic precedents. b)… …   Wiktionary

  • dreamchild — noun /ˈdɹim.tʃaɪld/ a) An imaginary child representing a concept, usually personifying a puerile or puellile ideal. b) A child who is not physically extant, due to being dead or for not having been born …   Wiktionary

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