have bats in one's belfry
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have bats in one's belfry — idi+inf have bats in one s belfry, to have crazy ideas; behave insanely … From formal English to slang
have bats in one’s belfry — [...”belfri] tv. to be crazy. (See also bats. Have got can replace have.) □ You must really have bats in your belfry if you think I’ll put up with that kind of stuff. □ Pay no attention to her. She has bats in her belfry … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
have bats in one's belfry — be insane, be mad, be crazy … English contemporary dictionary
bats\ in\ one's\ belfry — • bats in one s belfry • bats in the belfry n. phr. slang Wild ideas in his mind; disordered senses; great mental confusion. When he talked about going to the moon he was thought to have bats in his belfry … Словарь американских идиом
bats in one's belfry — or[bats in the belfry] {n. phr.}, {slang} Wild ideas in his mind; disordered senses; great mental confusion. * /When he talked about going to the moon he was thought to have bats in his belfry./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bats in one's belfry — or[bats in the belfry] {n. phr.}, {slang} Wild ideas in his mind; disordered senses; great mental confusion. * /When he talked about going to the moon he was thought to have bats in his belfry./ … Dictionary of American idioms
have bats in the belfry — phrasal : to be foolish, eccentric, or insane * * * have bats in the (or one s) belfry informal be eccentric or crazy … Useful english dictionary
belfry — /bel free/, n., pl. belfries. 1. a bell tower, either attached to a church or other building or standing apart. 2. the part of a steeple or other structure in which a bell is hung. 3. a frame of timberwork that holds or encloses a bell. 4. Slang … Universalium
bats\ in\ the\ belfry — • bats in one s belfry • bats in the belfry n. phr. slang Wild ideas in his mind; disordered senses; great mental confusion. When he talked about going to the moon he was thought to have bats in his belfry … Словарь американских идиом
bat — bat1 /bat/, n., v., batted, batting. n. 1. Sports. a. the wooden club used in certain games, as baseball and cricket, to strike the ball. b. a racket, esp. one used in badminton or table tennis. c. a whip used by a jockey. d. the act of using a… … Universalium