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Mannonate dehydratase — Identifiers EC number CAS number 9024 31 1 … Wikipedia
Mannuronate reductase — Identifiers EC number CAS number 37250 62 7 … Wikipedia
Fructuronate reductase — In enzymology, a fructuronate reductase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:D mannonate + NAD+ ightleftharpoons D fructuronate + NADH + H+Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are D mannonate and NAD+, whereas … Wikipedia
List of EC numbers (EC 4) — This list contains a list of EC numbers for the fourth group, EC 4, lyases, placed in numerical order as determined by the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.EC 4.1: Carbon Carbon LyasesEC… … Wikipedia
STÉRÉOCHIMIE - Stéréochimie organique — On trouvera dans l’article chimie ORGANIQUE le principe des méthodes qui ont conduit à l’établissement des formules développées planes. On va montrer ici pourquoi ces formules planes sont encore insuffisantes. Désignant provisoirement par X, Y, Z … Encyclopédie Universelle