
the presence of multiple kinds of mitochondrial or plastid DNA within a single cell or individual

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  • Heteroplasmy — is the presence of a mixture of more than one type of an organellar genome (mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or plastid DNA) within a cell or individual. Since every eukaryotic cell contains many hundreds of mitochondria with hundreds of copies of mtDNA …   Wikipedia

  • heteroplasmy — (= heteroplasia) The occurrence of a tissue in the wrong place in an organism, as a result of inappropriate cellular differentiation …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • heteroplasmy — het·ero·plas·my (hetґər o plaz″me) [hetero + plasm] the presence of multiple types of mitochondrial or chloroplast DNA within a single cell or individual …   Medical dictionary

  • heteroplasmy — A condition in which two genetically different organelles are present in the same cell. The equivalent to heterozygous in the context of nuclear genes. Opposite: homoplasmy …   Glossary of Biotechnology

  • Microheteroplasmy — In biology, microheteroplasmy is a form of heteroplasmy, a type of mutational damage to mitochondrial DNA. While heteroplasmy in general includes mutations present in any fraction of mtDNA (from fractions of a percent to almost a hundred percent) …   Wikipedia

  • Paternal mtDNA transmission — In genetics, paternal mtDNA transmission and paternal mtDNA inheritance refer to the incidence of paternal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) being passed on to offspring. Paternal mtDNA inheritance is observed in a small number of species, but in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Mitochondrial DNA — Human mitochondrial DNA …   Wikipedia

  • Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H47.2 ICD 9 377.16 …   Wikipedia

  • Hétéroplasmie — est la présence de plusieurs types de génome d’organite cellulaire (ADN mitochondrial (ADN mt) ou l ADN des plastes) dans une cellule ou un individu. Puisque chaque cellule eucaryotes contient plusieurs centaines de mitochondries avec des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • DNA profiling — Not to be confused with Full genome sequencing. Forensic science …   Wikipedia

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