physically attractive
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attractive — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look ▪ She looked attractive and beautifully dressed. ▪ become, grow ▪ He had grown more attractive with age. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
attractive — adj. 1) physically; sexually attractive 2) attractive to (the offer is very attractive to us) * * * [ə træktɪv] sexually attractive physically attractive to (the offer is very attractive to us) … Combinatory dictionary
physically — phys|i|cally S3 [ˈfızıkli] adv 1.) in relation to your body rather than your mind or emotions →↑mentally, emotionally ↑emotionally ▪ She is young and physically fit. ▪ Do you find him physically attractive? ▪ I felt physically sick at the thought … Dictionary of contemporary English
physically — phys|i|cal|ly [ fızıkli ] adverb ** 1. ) in a way that is related to your body or appearance: She came back from work exhausted, both physically and mentally. physically attractive physically active/fit a physically demanding job 2. ) used about… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
physically */*/ — UK [ˈfɪzɪklɪ] / US adverb 1) in a way that is related to your body or appearance She came back from work exhausted, both physically and mentally. physically attractive physically active/fit a physically demanding job 2) used about things in the… … English dictionary
physically — [ˈfɪzɪkli] adv 1) in a way that is related to your body or appearance physically attractive[/ex] physically active/fit[/ex] 2) used about things in the real world, rather than in your imagination or in stories It is physically impossible to be in … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
physically — adv. Physically is used with these adjectives: ↑able, ↑abusive, ↑active, ↑afraid, ↑aggressive, ↑attached, ↑attractive, ↑capable, ↑challenging, ↑demanding, ↑disabled, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
Dishy — physically attractive … Dictionary of Australian slang
babelicious — Physically attractive to a high degree. Jeff noted that the new girl, Jessica, was babelicious … Dictionary of american slang
babelicious — Physically attractive to a high degree. Jeff noted that the new girl, Jessica, was babelicious … Dictionary of american slang