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Beastly — Beast ly (b[=e]st l[y^]), a. 1. Pertaining to, or having the form, nature, or habits of, a beast. [1913 Webster] Beastly divinities and droves of gods. Prior. [1913 Webster] 2. Characterizing the nature of a beast; contrary to the nature and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beastly — c.1200, brutish, sensual, debased; late 14c., in the manner of a beast, from BEAST (Cf. beast) + LY (Cf. ly) (1). Weakened in British upper crust use to awfully, exceedingly by mid 19c. Beastly drunk is from 1803 … Etymology dictionary
beastly — [adv1] savage; vulgar abominable, animal, barbarous, base, bestial, boorish, brutal, brute, brutish, carnal, coarse, cruel, degraded, depraved, disgusting, feral, ferine, foul, gluttonous, gross, inhuman, irrational, loathsome, low, monstrous,… … New thesaurus
beastly — [bēst′lē] adj. beastlier, beastliest 1. of, like, or characteristic of a beast; bestial, brutal, etc. 2. Informal disagreeable; unpleasant adv. beastlier, beastliest [Brit. Informal] very [beastly bad news] beastliness n … English World dictionary
beastly — index brutal, disreputable, heinous, obnoxious, odious, repulsive, vicious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
beastly — bestial, *brutal, brute, brutish, feral Analogous words: abominable, detestable, *hateful: loathsome, repulsive, revolting, *offensive: disgusting, sickening, nauseating (see DISGUST) Contrasted words: agreeable, gratifying, grateful, *pleasant,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
beastly — Brit. informal ► ADJECTIVE ▪ very unpleasant. ► ADVERB dated ▪ to an extreme and unpleasant degree. DERIVATIVES beastliness noun … English terms dictionary
Beastly — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Beastly Produktionsland Vereinigte Staaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
beastly — [[t]bi͟ːstli[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe something as beastly, you mean that it is very unpleasant. [INFORMAL, OLD FASHIONED] The weather was beastly. Syn: horrible, horrid 2) ADJ GRADED If you describe someone as beastly, you mean that… … English dictionary
beastly — I. adjective (beastlier; est) Date: 13th century 1. bestial 1 2. abominable, disagreeable < beastly weather > • beastliness noun II. adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
beastly — beastliness, n. /beest lee/, adj., beastlier, beastliest, adv. adj. 1. of or like a beast; bestial. 2. Informal. nasty; unpleasant; disagreeable. adv. 3. Chiefly Brit. Informal. very; exceedingly: It s beastly cold out. 4. Brit. Informal.… … Universalium