spontaneous pneumothorax

spontaneous pneumothorax
A pulmonary condition resulting in the collection of air within the chest, which occurs absent traumatic injury. Spontaneous Pneumothorax are considered a medical emergency, generally requiring assistive radiographic evaluation to determine the extent of lung collapse, as well as determine the most appropriate course of emergency medical treatment for the patient. Abbreviated as SP.

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  • primary spontaneous pneumothorax — pneumothorax that does not have an obvious external cause, such as that from a ruptured subpleural bleb …   Medical dictionary

  • Pneumothorax — Classification and external resources Right sided spontaneous pneumothorax (left in the image). An arrow indicating the edge of the collapsed lung. ICD 10 J …   Wikipedia

  • Pneumothorax en chirurgie thoracique — Pneumothorax En médecine (pneumologie), le pneumothorax est un cas d urgence médicale consistant en un épanchement d air dans la cavité pleurale (accollement de la plèvre pariétale et viscérale, on parle de séreuse, elles tapissent respectivement …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pneumothorax — En médecine (pneumologie), le pneumothorax est un cas d urgence médicale consistant en un épanchement d air dans la cavité pleurale (accollement de la plèvre pariétale et viscérale, on parle de séreuse, elles tapissent respectivement la cage… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pneumothorax — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 J93.0 Spontaner Spannungspneumothorax J93.1 Sonstiger Spontanpneumothorax J93.2 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • pneumothorax — /nooh meuh thawr aks, thohr , nyooh /, n. Pathol. the presence of air or gas in the pleural cavity. [1815 25; < NL; see PNEUMO , THORAX] * * * ▪ pathology       condition in which air accumulates in the pleural space, causing it to expand and… …   Universalium

  • pneumothorax — The presence of free air or gas in the pleural cavity. [G. pneuma, air, + thorax] artificial p. p. produced by the injection of air, or a more slowly absorbed gas such as nitrogen, into the pleural space; formerly used for collapse therapy of… …   Medical dictionary

  • pneumothorax — n. air in the pleural cavity. Any breach of the lung surface or chest wall allows air to enter the pleural cavity, causing the lung to collapse. The leak can occur without apparent cause, in otherwise healthy people (spontaneous pneumothorax), or …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • secondary spontaneous pneumothorax — any type resulting from a known pathologic condition …   Medical dictionary

  • Le pneumothorax — Pneumothorax En médecine (pneumologie), le pneumothorax est un cas d urgence médicale consistant en un épanchement d air dans la cavité pleurale (accollement de la plèvre pariétale et viscérale, on parle de séreuse, elles tapissent respectivement …   Wikipédia en Français

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