- berylliosis
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Berylliosis — Classification and external resources Beryllium ICD 10 J63.2 … Wikipedia
berylliosis — [bə ril΄ē ō′sis] n. pl. beryllioses [bə ril΄ē ō′sēz΄] a serious disease caused by beryllium poisoning, usually found in the lungs from the inhalation of beryllium fumes or particles … English World dictionary
berylliosis — Beryllium poisoning characterized by the occurrence of acute pneumonia or chronic interstitial granulomatous fibrosis, especially of the lungs, from inhalation of beryllium. * * * be·ryl·li·o·sis bə .ril ē ō səs also ber·yl … Medical dictionary
berylliosis — /beuh ril ee oh sis/, n. Pathol. beryllium poisoning, characterized by the formation of granulomas, primarily affecting the lungs and causing a cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath. [BERYLLI(UM) + OSIS] * * * ▪ disease systemic… … Universalium
berylliosis — n. poisoning by beryllium or its compounds, either by inhalation or by skin contamination. Inhalation of fumes from molten beryllium causes an acute alveolitis and is usually fatal. Subacute and chronic forms can result from extremely low levels… … The new mediacal dictionary
berylliosis — be·ryl·li·o·sis … English syllables
berylliosis — … Useful english dictionary
chronic berylliosis — the usual form of berylliosis, characterized by beryllium granulomas (q.v.), a diffuse inflammatory reaction that may be indistinguishable from sarcoidosis, and sometimes dyspnea and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. In time the granulomas … Medical dictionary
Бериллиоз (Berylliosis) — отравление бериллием или его соединениями, развивающееся либо при вдыхании паров бериллия, либо при его попадании на кожу. Вдыхание паров жидкого бериллия вызывает у человека острый альвеолит и обычно заканчивается смертью больного. Подострая и… … Медицинские термины
acute berylliosis — an often fulminating reaction to inhalation of beryllium, characterized by a toxic or allergic pneumonitis, sometimes with rhinitis, pharyngitis, and tracheobronchitis. Symptoms may last for weeks, and serious cases can be fatal … Medical dictionary