
radio interference caused by pulses of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere as the result of lightning and other events (both natural and man-made)

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  • atmospherics — [at΄məs feriks, at΄məs fir′iks] pl.n. 1. Radio a) disturbances in reception, produced by natural electric discharges, as in a storm; static b) the phenomena producing these disturbances 2. prevailing mood or influence …   English World dictionary

  • Atmospherics — The controllable characteristics of a retail space that entice a customer to enter the store, and which are designed to influence a customer s mood so as to increase the odds of a purchase being made. Atmospherics include the store s layout,… …   Investment dictionary

  • atmospherics — [[t]æ̱tməsfe̱rɪks[/t]] N PLURAL Atmospherics are elements in something such as a piece of music or a book which create a certain atmosphere. ...Dickensian atmospherics …   English dictionary

  • atmospherics — /at meuhs fer iks, fear /, n. 1. (used with a pl. v.) Radio and Television. noise in a radio receiver or randomly distributed white spots or bands on the screen of a television receiver, caused by interference from natural electromagnetic… …   Universalium

  • atmospherics — at|mos|pher|ics [ ,ætmə sferıks ] noun plural the special way a piece of music is written to give you a particular feeling or mood: a smoky jazz sound and spooky atmospherics …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • atmospherics — UK [ˌætməsˈferɪks] / US [ˌætməˈsferɪks] noun [plural] 1) continuous short sharp noises that you sometimes hear on a radio 2) music the special way a piece of music is written to give you a particular feeling or mood a smoky jazz sound and spooky… …   English dictionary

  • atmospherics — atmosferos trukdžiai statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. atmospheric interference; atmospherics vok. atmosphärishe Störungen, f rus. атмосферные помехи, f pranc. atmosphériques, m; parasites atmosphériques, m; perturbations… …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • atmospherics — atmosferiniai trukdžiai statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. atmospheric interference; atmospherics vok. Atmosphärics, n; atmosphärische Störungen, f; luftelektrische Störungen, f rus. атмосферики, m; атмосферные помехи, f pranc.… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • atmospherics — noun plural Date: 1905 1. audible disturbances produced in radio receiving apparatus by atmospheric electrical phenomena (as lightning); also the electrical phenomena causing these disturbances 2. actions (as official statements) intended to… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • atmospherics — at|mo|spher|ics [ˌætməsˈferıks] n [plural] 1.) features or qualities in something, especially a piece of music or a book, that give you a particular feeling 2.) continuous cracking noises that sometimes interrupt radio broadcasts …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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