voice voting
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Voting methods (parliamentary) — Voting methods in parliamentary procedure are the methods used in a deliberative assembly to take a vote. Common Voting methodsViva voceA vote by voice is the regular method of voting on any motion that does not require more than a majority vote… … Wikipedia
voice — Synonyms and related words: Australian ballot, Hare system, Heldentenor, Meistersinger, OK, acceptance, accompaniment, active, active voice, adherence, admiration, agency, agent, air, allophone, alto, alveolar, apico alveolar, apico dental,… … Moby Thesaurus
Voting age — A voting age is a minimum age established by law that a person must attain in order to be eligible to vote in a public election.The vast majority of countries in the world have established a voting age. Most governments consider that those of an… … Wikipedia
voting — Synonyms and related words: Australian ballot, Hare system, PR, absentee voting, association, aye, ballot, ballot box stuffing, canvass, canvassing, card voting, casting vote, cochairmanship, colonization, complicity, condominium, contribution,… … Moby Thesaurus
Voting rights in the United States — The issue of voting rights in the United States has been contentious over the country s history. Eligibility to vote in the U.S. is determined by both Federal and state law. Currently, only citizens can vote in U.S. elections (although this has… … Wikipedia
Voting system of Fiji — The Fijian House of Representatives consists of 71 members, all elected from single member constuencies. Fiji used the First past the post system of voting for most of its history, but the new constitution agreed to in 1997 1998 replaced it with… … Wikipedia
Voice Your Vote Commission — The Voice Your Vote Commission [http://www.mgovote.com] ( VYV ) is a commission of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA), the University of Michigan s student government.GoalsVYV exists for voter registration and mobilization purposes, and has… … Wikipedia
Voting Right — The right of a stockholder to vote on matters of corporate policy and who will make up the board of directors. Voting often involves decisions on issuing securities, initiating corporate actions and making substantial changes in the corporation s … Investment dictionary
Voting by Feet — Abstimmung mit den Füßen. Neben der Abstimmung mittels Stimmabgabe (Voice; ⇡ Abstimmungsverfahren) kann eine Abstimmung faktisch auch mit den Füßen, d.h. mittels Abwanderung (Exit), erfolgen. In Diktaturen wird üblicherweise versucht, „Voice and… … Lexikon der Economics
voting — vot·ing || vəʊtɪŋ n. casting of ballots vəʊt n. voice; act of making an official choice, election; official choice; eligibility to vote; total number of votes; result of an election v. cast a ballot; officially choose one out of a number… … English contemporary dictionary