- recordation
Recordation by the Administrator of transfers of allowances shall amend automatically all applicable proposed or approved permit applications, compliance plans and permits. [42 U.S.C. 7651g]
Wikipedia foundation.
Recordation by the Administrator of transfers of allowances shall amend automatically all applicable proposed or approved permit applications, compliance plans and permits. [42 U.S.C. 7651g]
Wikipedia foundation.
recordation — re·cor·da·tion /ˌre ˌkȯr dā shən, ˌrē / n: the act or process of recording recordation of a lien Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. recordation … Law dictionary
Recordation — Rec or*da tion (r?k ?r*d? sh?n), n. [L. recordatio: cf. F. recordation. See {Record}, v. t.] Remembrance; recollection; also, a record. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
recordation — [ʀ(ə)kɔʀdɑsjɔ̃] n. f. ÉTYM. 1226; de 1. recorder. ❖ ♦ Vx et régional. Rappel, souvenir. 0 Il n est rien de si laid que la méconnaissance, rien de si beau que la recordation des services reçus. G. Sand, François le Champi, XIII … Encyclopédie Universelle
recordation — late 14c., “faculty of remembering,” O.Fr. recordation or directly from L. recordationem (nom. recordatio), noun of action from pp. stem of recordari (see RECORD (Cf. record)). Meaning “act or process of committing to writing” is c.1810 … Etymology dictionary
recordation — et souvenance, Recordatio … Thresor de la langue françoyse
recordation — ˌrekə(r)ˈdāshən noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English recordacion, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French recordation, from Latin recordation , recordatio, from recordatus (past participle of recordari to remember) + ion , io ion more at record … Useful english dictionary
recordation — /rek euhr day sheuhn, ree kawr /, n. the act or process of recording: the recordation of documents pertaining to copyright ownership. [1400 50; late ME recordacioun orig., the faculty of recollection < OF recordacion < L recordation (s. of… … Universalium
recordation — (re kor da sion) s. f. Action de recorder. HISTORIQUE XIVe s. • Mes de ceste disposition bestial sera faite aucune recordacion, ORESME Eth. 192. XVIe s. • Adam, qui autrement estoit plus que malheureux par la seule recordation de sa… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
recordation — noun Date: circa 1812 the action or process of recording … New Collegiate Dictionary
recordation — rec·or·da·tion … English syllables