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Tail recursion — In computer science, tail recursion (or tail end recursion) is a special case of recursion in which the last operation of the function is a recursive call. Such recursions can be easily transformed to iterations. Replacing recursion with… … Wikipedia
Recursion (computer science) — Recursion in computer science is a way of thinking about and solving problems. It is, in fact, one of the central ideas of computer science. [cite book last = Epp first = Susanna title = Discrete Mathematics with Applications year=1995… … Wikipedia
Recursion — Recursion, in mathematics and computer science, is a method of defining functions in which the function being defined is applied within its own definition. The term is also used more generally to describe a process of repeating objects in a self… … Wikipedia
Tail (disambiguation) — Tail describes the rear portion of an animal s body, especially as a flexible appendage.Tail may also refer to: * Tail (Unix), a Unix program used to display the last few lines of a file * Tails (Lisa Loeb album), a 1994 album by Lisa Loeb * Tail … Wikipedia
Tail recursive parser — Tail recursive parsers are derived from the more common Recursive descent parsers. Tail recursive parsers are commonly used to parse left recursive grammars. They use a smaller amount of stack space than regular recursive descent parsers. They… … Wikipedia
Récursion terminale — En informatique, la récursion terminale (aussi appelée récursion finale, ou tail recursion en anglais) est un cas particulier de récursivité assimilée à une itération. Sommaire 1 Principe 2 Transformation en itération 3 Exemple … Wikipédia en Français
Tail call elimination — Eine rekursive Funktion f ist endrekursiv (englisch: tail recursive) (auch endständig rekursiv, iterativ rekursiv, repetitiv rekursiv), wenn der rekursive Funktionsaufruf die letzte Aktion zur Berechnung von f ist.[1] Vorteil dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tail recursive — Eine rekursive Funktion f ist endrekursiv (englisch: tail recursive) (auch endständig rekursiv, iterativ rekursiv, repetitiv rekursiv), wenn der rekursive Funktionsaufruf die letzte Aktion zur Berechnung von f ist.[1] Vorteil dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tail call — A tail call is a subroutine call just before the end of a subroutine.In assembly language, this construct can be optimized away. For example, in 6502 assembly, if a subroutine looks like: sub: ... jsr othersub rtsthe last two lines can be… … Wikipedia
Left recursion — In computer science, left recursion is a special case of recursion. In terms of context free grammar, a non terminal r is left recursive if the left most symbol in any of r’s ‘alternatives’ either immediately (direct left recursive) or through… … Wikipedia