Borel σ-algebra

Borel σ-algebra
The smallest σ-algebra which contains the topology of a given topological space.

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  • Borel measure — noun A measure whose domain is the Borel σ algebra of a locally compact Hausdorff space …   Wiktionary

  • Borel set — noun Any of the members of a Borel σ algebra …   Wiktionary

  • Borel — may refer to: * Émile Borel (1871–1956), a French mathematician * Armand Borel (1923–2003), a Swiss mathematician * Jacques Borel, a French novelist * Gabriel Borel, a French aircraft designer * Borel algebra, operating on Borel sets, named after …   Wikipedia

  • Borel hierarchy — In mathematical logic, the Borel hierarchy is a stratification of the Borel algebra generated by the open subsets of a Polish space; elements of this algebra are called Borel sets. Each Borel set is assigned a unique countable ordinal number… …   Wikipedia

  • Borel-Algebra — Die borelsche σ Algebra ist ein Begriff aus der Mathematik, der ein Scharnier zwischen den Zweigen Topologie und Maßtheorie bildet. Jeder Topologie lässt sich in eindeutiger Weise eine σ Algebra zuordnen, die man die zugehörige borelsche σ… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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