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over-egg — [ō΄vər eg′] vt. [Brit. Informal] to do too much of; elaborate on excessively; overdo: used mainly in the phrase over egg the or one s pudding or over egg the pudding, to mar an undertaking by doing more than is necessary or desirable over egged… … Universalium
over-egg — [ō΄vər eg′] vt. [Brit. Informal] to do too much of; elaborate on excessively; overdo: used mainly in the phrase over egg the or one s pudding or over egg the pudding, to mar an undertaking by doing more than is necessary or desirable over egged… … English World dictionary
over-egg — ˌover ˈegg f5 [over egg] verb Idiom: ↑over egg the pudding … Useful english dictionary
over-egg — ► VERB (in phrase over egg the pudding) ▪ go too far in doing something; exaggerate … English terms dictionary
over-egg — verb (in phr. over egg the pudding) go too far in embellishing or doing something … English new terms dictionary
over-egg the pudding — (UK) If you over egg the pudding, you spoil something by trying to improve it excessively. It is also used nowadays with the meaning of making something look bigger or more important than it really is. ( Over egg alone is often used in this sense … The small dictionary of idiomes
over-egg the pudding — ˌover egg the ˈpudding idiom used to say that you think sb has done more than is necessary, or has added unnecessary details to make sth seem better or worse than it really is • If you re telling lies, keep it simple never over egg the pudding.… … Useful english dictionary
over-egg the pudding — (UK) If you over egg the pudding, you spoil something by trying to improve it excessively. It is also used nowadays with the meaning of making something look bigger or more important than it really is. ( Over egg alone is often used in this… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
over-egg the pudding — go too far in embellishing or doing something. → over egg … English new terms dictionary
over-egg the pudding — British to spoil something by trying too hard to improve it. As a director, I think he has a tendency to over egg the pudding, with a few too many gorgeous shots of the countryside … New idioms dictionary