
a) The state of being damned; condemnation; openly expressed disapprobation.
b) Condemnation to everlasting punishment in the future state, or the punishment itself.

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  • damnation — [ danasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1170; lat. ecclés. damnatio ♦ Condamnation aux peines de l enfer; ces peines. ⇒ châtiment, dam, supplice. « La Damnation de Faust », œuvre musicale de Berlioz. « Qu importe l éternité de la damnation à qui a trouvé dans une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Damnation — Студийный альбом …   Википедия

  • Damnation A.D. — Damnation A.D. Origin Washington, D.C. Genres Metalcore Post hardcore Years active 1992–1998; 2007 Present Labels Jade Tree Records Rev …   Wikipedia

  • Damnation — Dam*na tion, n. [F. damnation, L. damnatio, fr. damnare. See {Damn}.] 1. The state of being damned; condemnation; openly expressed disapprobation. [1913 Webster] 2. (Theol.) Condemnation to everlasting punishment in the future state, or the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Damnation — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Damnation Álbum de Opeth Publicación Abril de 2003 Grabación Verano de 2002, Nacksving Studios, Gotembu …   Wikipedia Español

  • damnation — DAMNATION. sub. f. La punition des damnés. La damnation éternelle. Sur peine de damnation …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • damnation — c.1300, condemnation to Hell by God, also fact of being condemned by judicial sentence, from O.Fr. damnation, from L. damnationem (nom. damnatio), noun of action from pp. stem of damnare (see DAMN (Cf. damn)). As an imprecation, attested from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • damnation — Damnation. s. f. La punition des damnez. La damnation eternelle. sur peine de damnation …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • damnation — [dam nā′shən] n. [ME damnacioun < OFr damnation < LL(Ec) damnatio, the displeasure of God < L, condemnation] a damning or being damned interj. used to express anger …   English World dictionary

  • damnation — index blame (culpability), conviction (finding of guilt), denunciation, disapprobation, disparagement, imprecation …   Law dictionary

  • damnation — [n] everlasting punishment condemnation, doom, hell, perdition, suffering, torment; concept 679 …   New thesaurus

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