- scrod
A generic term for a young (2-lb or less) cod or, less frequently, haddock, split and deboned; rather than a particular type of fish. The term is rare outside of New England and New York.
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Wikipedia foundation.
Scrod — (or schrod ) is a generic term for a young (2.5 lb or less) cod or, less frequently, haddock, split and boned. It is a staple in many coastal New England and Atlantic Canada seafood and fish markets. A dubious folk etymology holds that the term… … Wikipedia
scrod — 1841, young cod, split and fried or boiled, possibly from Du. schrood piece cut off, from M.Du. scrode shred (Cf. O.E. screade, see SHRED (Cf. shred)). If this is the origin, the notion is probably of fish cut into pieces for drying or cooking. A … Etymology dictionary
Scrod — Scrod, Scrode Scrode, n. A young codfish, especially when cut open on the back and dressed. [Written also {escrod}.] [Local, U.S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scrod — ☆ scrod [skräd ] n. [prob. < MDu schrode, piece cut off, strip < IE * (s)kreut > SHRED] a young fish, as a cod or haddock, esp. one split and prepared for cooking … English World dictionary
scrod — 1) exclamation oh scrod! my mind s a blank! 2) Not the fish, but the past pluperfect of screw. From the old joke. Where do I get scrod in Boston? … Dictionary of american slang
scrod — 1) exclamation oh scrod! my mind s a blank! 2) Not the fish, but the past pluperfect of screw. From the old joke. Where do I get scrod in Boston? … Dictionary of american slang
scrod — also schrod noun Etymology: probably from British dialect (Cornwall) scrawed, past participle of scraw, scrawl to split, salt, and lightly dry (young fish) Date: 1841 a young fish (as a cod or haddock); especially one split and boned for cooking … New Collegiate Dictionary
scrod — 1) a New England term for a young cod, haddock or pollock split and boned for cooking as the catch of the day. Usually the smallest market size fish. Also spelled schrod (from the Middle Dutch schrode) 2) past pluperfect of screw … Dictionary of ichthyology
scrod — /skrod/, n. a young Atlantic codfish or haddock, esp. one split for cooking. Also, schrod. [1835 45, Amer.; orig. uncert.] * * * Young fish (as a cod or haddock), especially one split and boned for cooking. The origin of the term is not known for … Universalium
scrod — n. Atlantic cod or haddock, species of edible fish … English contemporary dictionary