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Trophobiosis — (from Greek trophikos = nourishment + biosis = life) is a symbiotic association between organisms where food is obtained or provided. The provider of food in the association is referred to as a trophobiont. [Delabie, JHC (2001) Trophobiosis… … Wikipedia
trophobiosis — n. [Gr. trophe, food; biosis, manner of life] A form of symbiosis in which there is a mutual exchange of food; trophallaxis; trophobiotic a; see trophic symbiosis … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
trophobiosis — troph·o·bi·o·sis … English syllables
trophobiosis — noun a symbiotic relation in which one organism protects the other in return for some kind of food product • Hypernyms: ↑symbiosis, ↑mutualism * * * trophallaxˈis (Gr allaxis exchange) or trophobīōˈsis (Gr biōsis way of life) noun Mutual exchange … Useful english dictionary
Honeydew (secretion) — Honeydew is a sugar rich sticky substance, secreted by aphids and some scale insects as they feed on plant sap. When their mouthpart penetrates the phloem, the sugary, high pressure liquid is forced out of the gut s terminal opening. Honeydew is… … Wikipedia
Муравьи — Красный огненный муравей … Википедия
Мирмекофилия — Мирмекофилия обитание вместе с муравьями в одном гнезде или рядом с ними. Мирмекофилы организмы, живущие в ассоциации с муравьями. Содержание 1 Описание 2 Трофобиоз 3 Галерея … Википедия
trophallaxis — n. [Gr. trophe, food; allaxis, exchange] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The mutual or unilateral exchange of alimentary canal liquid, from the mouth or anus, among colony members of social insects or guests; trophobiosis; trophallactic adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
trophobiotic — adjective Of or pertaining to trophobiosis … Wiktionary
Myrmecophily — (pronounced /mɜrmɨˈkɒfɨli/, US dict: mûr′·mĭ·kŏf′·ə·lē; literally ant love ) is the term applied to positive interspecies associations between ants and a variety of other organisms such as plants, arthropods, and fungi. Myrmecophily… … Wikipedia