- convex set
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Convex set — A convex set … Wikipedia
Convex function — on an interval. A function (in black) is convex if and only i … Wikipedia
Convex optimization — Convex minimization, a subfield of optimization, studies the problem of minimizing convex functions over convex sets. Given a real vector space X together with a convex, real valued function defined on a convex subset of X, the problem is to find … Wikipedia
Absolutely convex set — A set C in a real or complex vector space is said to be absolutely convex if it is convex and balanced. Properties A set C is absolutely convex if and only if for any points x 1, , x 2 in C and any numbers lambda 1, , lambda 2 satisfying |lambda… … Wikipedia
Convex geometry — is the branch of geometry studying convex sets, mainly in Euclidean space. Convex sets occur naturally in many areas of mathematics: computational geometry, convex analysis, discrete geometry, functional analysis, geometry of numbers, integral… … Wikipedia
Convex hull — The convex hull of the red set is the blue convex set. See also: Convex set and Convex combination In mathematics, the convex hull or convex envelope for a set of points X in a real vector space V is the min … Wikipedia
Convex polytope — A 3 dimensional convex polytope A convex polytope is a special case of a polytope, having the additional property that it is also a convex set of points in the n dimensional space Rn.[1] Some authors use the terms convex polytope and convex… … Wikipedia
Convex cone — In linear algebra, a convex cone is a subset of a vector space over an ordered field that is closed under linear combinations with positive coefficients. A convex cone (light blue). Inside of it, the light red convex cone consists of all points… … Wikipedia
Convex — A convex set. The word convex means curving out or bulging outward, as opposed to concave. Convex or convexity may refer to: Mathematics: Convex set, a set of points containing all line segments between each pair of its points Convex function, a… … Wikipedia
Convex metric space — An illustration of a convex metric space. In mathematics, convex metric spaces are, intuitively, metric spaces with the property any segment joining two points in that space has other points in it besides the endpoints. Formally, consider a… … Wikipedia