
a) Emptiness, in terms of a meditative state; an Eastern concept of a high meditative state of calm and freedom from distraction.

Shunyata [openness] can be explained in a very simple way. In the shunyata experience, the attention is on the field rather than on its contents. <!, , Lotus Sutra

b) The cosmic void; in the East-West dialogue, an Eastern term for metaphysics of nothingness<!belongs elsewhere, possibly WP; comparable to the kenosis emptying of the trinitarian Gods three persons into one another.

[Sunyata] is no other than form; form is no other than emptiness. In the same way, feeling, perception, formation, and consciousness are emptiness. ["sunyata" not in original quote, added by whom? with what changes?]

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  • Sunyata — Śūnyatā Śūnyatā dans le bouddhisme désigne la vacuité (sanskrit : शून्यता, Śūnyatā ; pali: suññata), ou ainsité (tathatā) des êtres et des choses, leur absence d être en soi, autrement dit l inexistence de toute essence, de tout… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Śunyata — Śūnyatā Śūnyatā dans le bouddhisme désigne la vacuité (sanskrit : शून्यता, Śūnyatā ; pali: suññata), ou ainsité (tathatā) des êtres et des choses, leur absence d être en soi, autrement dit l inexistence de toute essence, de tout… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Śūnyatā — Śūnyatā, terme sanskrit, (devanāgarī: शून्यता ; en pāli suññata, en chinois kōng 空), désigne dans le bouddhisme la vacuité des êtres et des choses, leur absence d être en soi (anātman), autrement dit l inexistence de toute essence, de tout… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Śūnyatā — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Śūnyatā , o shuñata (sánscrito: शून्यता) es, en el marco de varias filosofías orientales, lo carente de realidad, sin entidad, lo que no es, lo insustancial, lo deshabitado, lo vacío, la vacuidad, la vaciedad.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Śūnyatā — Śūnyatā, शून्यता (Sanskrit noun from the adj. sūnya void ), Suññatā (Pāli; adj. suñña ), stong pa nyid (Tibetan), Kuu, 空 (Japanese), Gong seong, 공성(空性) (Korean), qo ɣ usun (Mongolian) meaning Emptiness or Voidness , is a characteristic of… …   Wikipedia

  • Sunyata — (Alfred Julius Emanuel Sorensen) (1890–1984) Danish born sadhu and teacher    The youngest of three children on a small farm in northern Denmark, Emmanuel (indwelling God, the name he favored for himself) Sorensen worked during his childhood on… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Sunyata — Значимость предмета статьи поставлена под сомнение. Пожалуйста, покажите в статье значимость её предмета, добавив в неё доказательства значимости по частным критериям значимости или, в случае если частные критерии значимости для… …   Википедия

  • Sunyata — /shoohn yeuh tah /, n. Buddhism. that which exists absolutely and without predication. Also, Sunya /shoohn yeuh/. [ < Skt sunyata, n. deriv. of sunya empty] * * * ▪ Buddhist concept       in Buddhist philosophy, the voidness that constitutes… …   Universalium

  • Sunyata — Shunyata bzw. Śūnyatā (Sanskrit, f., शून्यता; Pali: suññatā; chin. 空, kōng, W. G. k ung; jap. 空, kū, tib.: stong pa nyid) ist ein zentraler Begriff im Mahayana Buddhismus und bedeutet soviel wie Leere, Leerheit oder auch Substanzlosigkeit.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Śūnyatā — Shunyata bzw. Śūnyatā (Sanskrit, f., शून्यता; Pali: suññatā; chin. 空, kōng, W. G. k ung; jap. 空, kū, tib.: stong pa nyid) ist ein zentraler Begriff im Mahayana Buddhismus und bedeutet soviel wie Leere, Leerheit oder auch Substanzlosigkeit.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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